
Sara Ernst-Edwards & Lisa Gorman of 360 NeuroMuscular Therapy share their story of deciding to take over and now run the practice together as co-owners after the founder, Katie Adams was ready to leave.

What to Expect in this episode:

  • Sara and Lisa’s early years
  • What got them get into Medical Therapy
  • How Sara and Lisa became partners
  • How to keep a thriving friendship while running a business
  • Short logistics on transfer of ownership
  • Their 1st year of ownership

More about Sara: A self described Anatomy nerd, triathlete. Sarah excels at working with clients with complex chronic pain syndromes, evaluating posture and movement, and bringing awareness to the mind/body connection.


More about Lisa: With a strong foothold in the sciences, Lisa uses the scientific method with her approach to musculoskeletal injuries by isolating problematic perpetuating factors, experimentation can create different solutions to musculoskeletal problems and lay the foundation for constant learning. 



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