Tara’s Transformation: From Solo Massage Therapist to $30K/Month Studio Owner


Tara Tuveson, was a solo massage therapist for years before making the decision to expand and build out her wellness studio. In January of 2023 Tara moved towns and completely started her business over from scratch, only bringing with her an idea, and the skills she had previously gained as a massage therapist.

At nearly breakneck speeds, Tara grew her practice from $0 and just an idea, to $17k/month in the first year, to only grow to $30k per month in the following 6 months.

After a few years of working solo, Tara realized that she missed the camaraderie and energy of working with coworkers, leading her to build a team and offering a broader range of services, while also moving her practice closer to home in Cambridge, Minnesota.

While she had figured out how to build a successful solo practice, Tara now needed to navigate the complexities of building a group practice, as well as starting completely over in a new town .

With the keys in hand to her new location, she was ready to scale, and get it right from day 1. This case study interview highlights how she did, and what she learned along the way.

The Big Achievements

Uncharted Waters

Because this was an entirely new venture, Tara was unsure about how to manage and scale the business effectively. She  was nervous about hiring her first employees and managing a team, and had minimal experience in creating business processes, managing staff, and implementing effective marketing strategies. 

She needed guidance on how to structure and operate her business efficiently, and support in finding the right people and learning how to effectively lead and retain them

Not to mention, because she was in uncharted territory, Tara initially lacked confidence in her ability to make bold decisions and take risks necessary for growing her business.

Tara’s Path To Scaling

Narrowing Her Focus
One of the first steps was to identify and focus on a few key target markets. While in her solo practice, Tara had seen a variety of client types, but upon review it was clear only a few of them were actually ideal for the business.

This focus allowed her to tailor her services, marketing, and client experience to better meet the needs of this group, which helped drive growth.

Strategic Hiring and Staff Retention:
Tara focused on making her business an attractive place to work by creating a supportive and positive work environment. She used carefully crafted job postings and interview processes, to hire the right people who have stayed with her long-term.

Process Creation and Systemization:
Tara developed and implemented business processes to streamline operations. This included setting up systems for client management, scheduling, and staff coordination, which improved efficiency and allowed her business to run smoothly as it grew.

The Final Results

Through her collective effort Tara was able to radically transform her business, and grow from $0 to $30k/month in just under 2 years.

  • Business Growth: Tara successfully scaled her massage business from a solo practice to a thriving group practice. She grew her revenue from $0 when she moved to her new location in January 2023 to $17,000 per month by August and now reaches close to $30,000 per month.
  • Team Expansion: Tara expanded her team to include five massage therapists, one esthetician, and three front desk staff, creating a well-rounded service offering at her studio.
  • Improved Confidence and Leadership: Throughout the process, Tara’s confidence in her abilities as a business owner grew significantly. She learned to manage and lead her team effectively, taking on more bold initiatives to promote her business.
  • Strategic Marketing and Operations Tara honed her marketing strategies, refined her business processes, and focused on serving a specific clientele, leading to substantial business growth.
  • Personal and Professional Fulfillment: Tara expressed deep satisfaction with the progress of her business, noting that she now has more time for herself and enjoys working towards something bigger than when she was working for someone else.

Tara’s Advice To Others

Hire a Coach: Tara strongly recommends hiring a coach who has experience in the field and can provide valuable guidance. She said working with Scaling Wellness helped her navigate the complexities of growing her business, particularly in areas like marketing, process creation, and team management.

Make Your Business Attractive to Employees: Tara highlights the importance of creating a work environment that other professionals want to be a part of. Drawing from her own experience, she suggests taking what you’ve learned from previous jobs—both good and bad—and using that knowledge to build a positive, supportive workplace that attracts and retains talent.

Embrace Change and Be Open to Learning: Tara stresses the importance of being open to new ideas and willing to learn as you grow your business. She advises trying new things and not being afraid to step out of your comfort zone, as this can lead to significant growth and success.

Stay Grateful and Motivated: Tara finds motivation in her gratitude for the opportunities she has been given and the support she has received. She encourages others to focus on the positive aspects of their journey and to stay motivated by remembering the bigger picture of what they are working toward.

Pursue Your Dreams: Tara emphasizes the importance of going after your dreams and taking bold steps toward building the business you envision. She encourages others not to let fear hold them back and to make the most of the opportunities they have.

Closing Remarks: 

Tara’s journey is one of resilience, flexibility, and drive. By having a big dream, a clear focus, and getting the help she needed, Tara was able to scale her business at an unprecedented speed, while avoiding many of the major pitfalls typical practice owners face. 

Ready To Scale Your Business?

Want to increase your revenue, grow your team, and make your business less dependent on you?

Schedule your no-cost, no-obligation strategy call to help map out the plan for your business. Or, take the first step in scaling and learn more about our Scaling Intensive.

Hey There, I'm DJ!

Fonder of Scaling Wellness

I help massage therapists and massage practice owners grow their team, fill their treatment rooms, and enjoy more time off

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I help wellness practice owners scale their income, impact, and freedom. I believe practitioner-owners should build their practice in a way that it not only generates income, but allows them the freedom to step back and live a life they love.