How to Hire Your First Massage Employee (and Finally Start Scaling)

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve hit a milestone in your massage business: you’re ready to hire your first employee! Exciting, right? But let’s be real… also nerve-wracking.

You’ve probably been handling everything on your own—booking clients, providing treatments, doing the laundry, answering the phone. And while you’re good at it, there’s only so much you can do before you hit a wall. So, what’s the next step? Hiring your first employee!

But the question is… how do you go from being a solo massage therapist to becoming the boss of a growing business? Well, that’s what we’re going to dive into today. Let’s break it down, step by step.

Step 1: Get Clear on Why You’re Hiring

Before we even talk about job postings or interviews, let’s talk about your “why.”

Why are you hiring your first massage employee? Do you want to lighten your own workload? Free up time to focus on other areas of your business, like marketing or client management? Or maybe you’re fully booked and turning people away, and you need extra hands to handle the overflow.

Understanding your reason for hiring will help you make smart decisions throughout the process. Plus, it’ll ensure that you hire someone whose strengths align with your business goals.

Pro Tip: Don’t hire just to “help out.” That’s a recipe for disaster. Hire with a purpose. Hire to grow.

Step 2: Define the Role (Yes, Really)

One of the biggest mistakes I see massage business owners make is diving into hiring without a clear idea of what they want their new employee to do. Before you even think about posting that job, get super clear on the role you’re hiring for.

Ask yourself:

  • Will they be doing mostly massages, or do you need help with admin work too?
  • What kind of massage techniques should they be skilled in?
  • Do you need someone full-time, part-time, or freelance?
  • Are they expected to handle rebooking and upselling services?

Write all of this down! This will not only help you in the hiring process but will also give potential candidates a clear understanding of what’s expected of them.

Pro Tip: Create a detailed job description outlining exactly what you’re looking for. Be specific about skills, experience, and personality traits. Trust me, it’ll weed out the wrong candidates from the get-go.

Step 3: Craft Your Job Listing (With Intention)

Now that you’ve nailed down the role, it’s time to create a killer job listing. Your job listing isn’t just a way to find candidates; it’s also a reflection of your business and your brand. So, put some thought into it!

Here’s what to include:

  • Job Title: Keep it simple and clear, like “Licensed Massage Therapist.”
  • Introduction: A brief paragraph about your business, your mission, and why someone would want to work with you.
  • Job Responsibilities: List the day-to-day tasks your new employee will be handling.
  • Qualifications: Clearly state any certifications, licenses, or experience required.
  • Perks: What benefits do they get by working for you? Flexibility? Free treatments? A supportive team environment?
  • Call to Action: End with instructions on how to apply—make it easy for them!

Pro Tip: Be honest about the challenges of the job too. If you need someone who’s good at handling last-minute schedule changes, say it upfront. You want to attract people who are a perfect fit for your needs.

Step 4: Set Up Your Interview Process

The interview process is your chance to get a feel for the person behind the resume. While technical skills are important, you’re also hiring for attitude, work ethic, and how well they’ll fit into your business culture.

Here’s a simple interview framework to follow:

  1. Phone Screening: Start with a quick phone call to get a feel for the candidate. This helps you weed out people who don’t meet the basic requirements.
  2. In-Person Interview: If the phone screening goes well, invite them for an in-person interview. This is your chance to ask deeper questions about their experience, work style, and how they handle specific situations.
  3. Practical Test: Have them perform a short massage, maybe 20-30 minutes, so you can evaluate their technique and client interaction.
  4. Cultural Fit: Ask questions like “How do you handle difficult clients?” or “How do you deal with downtime?” to see if their answers align with your business values.

Pro Tip: Trust your gut! If something feels off, it probably is. Don’t rush into hiring just because you need help. A bad hire can cost you way more than waiting for the right person.

Step 5: Offer Competitive Pay and Benefits

Now, let’s talk money. If you want to attract top-notch talent, you’ve got to offer competitive pay and benefits. But here’s the tricky part: you’re also running a business, and you need to make sure your expenses don’t skyrocket.

Research what other massage therapists in your area are paying their staff. You don’t need to be the highest-paying gig in town, but you do need to be competitive. Also, think about what else you can offer beyond a paycheck. Flexibility, mentorship, or even free massages can be huge selling points.

Pro Tip: Be upfront about how pay works. Whether it’s commission-based, hourly, or a hybrid, make sure your new hire understands how they’ll be compensated. Transparency here is key!

Step 6: Onboard Like a Pro

Congrats! You’ve found your first employee. But the work doesn’t stop here. Proper onboarding is critical to ensuring they start off on the right foot and stick around for the long haul.

Here’s what to include in your onboarding process:

  • Orientation: Walk them through the systems and processes of your business, from booking clients to cleaning treatment rooms.
  • Training: Even if they’re experienced, offer training on how you do things. This could include rebooking techniques, upselling strategies, or how to handle customer service issues.
  • Shadowing: Have them shadow you for a few days to observe how you interact with clients and manage your day-to-day operations.
  • Feedback: Create a feedback loop. Check in regularly during their first few weeks to see how they’re settling in and address any concerns.

Pro Tip: Set clear expectations from day one. Let them know exactly what success looks like in your business, and don’t forget to celebrate their wins!

Step 7: Build a Positive Team Culture

Finally, it’s time to think about the big picture. You’re not just hiring an employee—you’re building a team. And a positive team culture is essential if you want your business to thrive.

Encourage open communication, foster teamwork, and always lead by example. When your employees feel valued and supported, they’re more likely to stick around and help you build the business of your dreams.

Pro Tip: Keep in mind that culture isn’t created overnight. It’s built day by day, through consistent actions and mutual respect. Make sure you’re creating an environment where your employees feel empowered to do their best work.

Hiring your first massage employee is a huge step toward growing and scaling your business. Yes, it’s a big decision, but when done right, it will give you the freedom and flexibility you’ve been craving. So take your time, hire with intention, and remember: this is just the beginning of building a thriving, sustainable business that runs beyond just you.

Good luck—and welcome to the next phase of your business journey!

Hey There, I'm DJ!

Fonder of Scaling Wellness

I help massage therapists and massage practice owners grow their team, fill their treatment rooms, and enjoy more time off

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Darryl "DJ" Turner

Darryl "DJ" Turner

I help wellness practice owners scale their income, impact, and freedom. I believe practitioner-owners should build their practice in a way that it not only generates income, but allows them the freedom to step back and live a life they love.